enjoy A

quieter life



Video Overview of Noizend. Noizend Shield to reduce Chronic Low-Frequency Noise.

United Nations Report Noise Impact on Health 2022

In Europe, long-term exposure to environmental noise causes


premature deaths


new cases of ischemic heart disease annually

22 Million

people in Europe suffer from chronic noise annoyance

“Today, noise pollution is a major environmental problem, cited as a top environmental risk to health across all age and social groups and an addition to the public health burden.”

“Across the European Union, at least 20 per cent of citizens are currently exposed to road traffic noise levels that are considered harmful to health.”

Source: United Nations Environment Programme (2022), Frontiers 2022: Noise, Blazes and Mismatches – Emerging Issues of Environmental Concern.

Some of the most irritating noises are low frequency and difficult to control.

But we Will.

What we do

We develop noise-cancelling technologies to reduce the noise pollution at the source.



Keep local music venues lively and minimise residential noise pollution outside of the venue.

Reducing Factory Noise

Keep productivity and health at optimal levels by reducing low frequency noise in factories.

Reducing ConStruCtion noise

Making outside construction equipment quieter for workers and the general public.

Contact us
For more information